Accreditation Update

We are proud to acknowledge that in the past, the Financial Crime Academy has been recognized and officially accredited by the CPD Standards Office. This significant recognition is a testament to the quality and dedication we pour into our courses and training programs.

Upon this acknowledgment, our academy has been granted the following privileges:

  1. Official Recognition: Financial Crime Academy was acknowledged as an Accredited Provider with the CPD Standards Office.
  2. Accredited Logo: We were granted permission to display a unique CPD Standards Office Official Accredited Logo, symbolizing our commitment to quality professional development.
  3. CPD Certificates: Our status empowered us to issue formal CPD Certificates to our delegates, providing them with tangible proof of their continuous professional development through our courses.

Our Current Position on Accreditation

We believe in transparency and staying true to our values. Hence, it is crucial to share that after thoughtful consideration and an in-depth evaluation of our organizational objectives, we have opted not to renew our membership with the CPD Standards Office at this juncture.

Our Continued Commitment to Excellence

While our formal relationship with the CPD Standards Office might have come to an end, our dedication to quality education remains unwavering:

  1. Upholding High Standards: Despite the non-renewal of our CPD membership, our commitment to preserving the highest levels of professional development and excellence remains firm and unchanging.
  2. Quality Assurance: Our courses continue to be meticulously crafted, ensuring that every delegate receives top-tier training that remains at the forefront of the financial crime sector.
  3. Future Endeavors: As the academy looks forward to future endeavors, we will continue to assess various accreditation and recognition opportunities that align with our values and mission.

Way Forward

Our commitment to you, our students, partners, and the broader community, is paramount. We assure you that while affiliations may change, our core values and quality of training will persist and even evolve to greater heights. Your trust and growth remain at the heart of the Financial Crime Academy's mission.

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